Watch RTRS TV Live TV from Bosnia & Herzegovina

Watch RTRS TV Live TV from Bosnia & Herzegovina
General TV Channel / Radio Televizija Republike Srpske locally known as RTRS for short is entity level public broadcaster which operates own radio and television services in the Bosnian entity Republika Srpska. Founded in 1992. RTRS broadcasts a 24-hour television programme known as Televizija Republike Srpske, and one radio channel Radio Republike Srpske. There is also Music Production of RTRS which was established in 2011. Headquarters of RTRS is located in Banja Luka. Regional radio and TV studios are located in following Bosnian cities: Prijedor, Istočno Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Trebinje and Brčko. The radio and television program is mainly produced in Serbian language (in one of two alphabets: Latin or Cyrillic alphabet). Since April 2013, RTRS own programs are broadcast on Eutelsat 16A (Team:Sat platform).

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