Watch Shamshad TV Live TV from Afghanistan

Watch Shamshad TV Live TV from Afghanistan

General TV Channel / Shamshad TV is a satellite television station in Afghanistan, which was launched in early 2006. The channel broadcasts 24 hours a day, providing educational, news, shows, dramas, and entertaining programs to both local areas of Afghanistan as well as other countries via satellite.

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Shamshad Radio & Television Network is the top TV channel in Afghanistan. Providing educational, TV shows, news, family dramas, music shows, comedy programs, children’s programs, women empowerment programs, Islamic programs, educational programs, political programs. Shamshad TV is also available in Middle East, Central South & West Asia, Africa, Europe & Australia.

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Women presenters and reporters on TV channels in Afghanistan went on air with their faces covered on Sunday, in line with a Taliban order. The day before, some of them had defied the edict and kept their faces visible. One presenter said women working in TV had resisted but their employers had come under pressure. After seizing power last year, the Taliban have increasingly imposed restrictions on women’s lives in recent weeks.

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