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Watch RTV BN Live TV from Bosnia & Herzegovina

Watch BN Televizija – RTV BN Live TV from Bosnia & Herzegovina

General TV Channel / RTV BN is a Bosnian radio-television company based in Bijeljina. The company was founded on 5 May 1998. RTV BN is currently the highest rated TV channel in Republika Srpska entity of BiH. RTV BN has over 200 employees with news correspondents in BiH, Belgrade, London, US and Vienna, as well as other cities. RTV BN is currently available in Europe, North America (USA and Canada), Australia, and New Zealand via satellite.

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BN Televizija represents a 24-hour TV channel with news, political, and entertainment programs. The primary news program, “Dnevnik 2” is the highest rated primetime news show in Republika Srpska entity.

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Radio-televizija BN je jedna od prvih privatnih medijskih kuća u Bosni i Hercegovini koja je sa emitovanjem televizijskog programa počela još 1998. godine.Zahvaljujući aktuelnom i objektivnom izvještavanju, te praćenju potreba i interesovanja, gledaoci su u startu prepoznali kvalitet čime je ova kuća, za veoma kratak period, dobila posebnu ulogu u društvenom, kulturnom i političkom životu Bosne i Hercegovine.


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