Watch Latina Television Live TV from Peru

Watch Latina Television Live TV from Peru

General TV Channel / Latina (formerly Frecuencia Latina) is a Peruvian television network, founded on January 23, 1983. The first station to broadcast on channel 2 in Lima came about in 1957, when Eduardo Cavero, owner of a network of radio stations, acquired a license for that frequency.

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On May 27, 1962, the channel launched, with an emphasis on variety shows and musical programs. However, the competition up the dial between América Televisión and Panamericana Televisión, on channels 4 and 5, would take its toll on the ratings at channel 2, and in 1966, the station was sold to Tele 2 S.A., a joint venture between the Spanish company Movierecord and the American Metromedia, which renamed the station Tele 2 and turned it into the first movie-focused station in Latin America; Tele 2 would broadcast movies in the afternoon and repeat them at night, plus a 15-minute newscast at the start of its broadcast day. With changes in Peru’s military government in 1974, the station’s license was revoked, and channel 2 in Lima would go dark.

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