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Watch Inter TV Live TV from Ukraine

Watch Inter TV Live TV from Ukraine

General TV Channel / Inter – Ukrainian national television channel, which began broadcasting 20 October 1996 the year. According to the results of 2014, Inter TV channel was the leader in terms of TV viewing according to the main target audiences of Ukraine. The TV channel is part of the holding company UA Inter Media Group, owned by Dmitry Firtash. The holding also includes Channels ” Inter + “, ” Enter-film “, ” K1 “, ” K2 “, ” NTN “, ” mega “, ” Zoom “, ” Pixel tv “.

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On April 26, 1996, a newly created company “Ukrainian Independent TV Corporation” received a license for broadcasting rights on the UT-3 network 12 hours a day, creating a channel called “Inter”. One of the co-founders of the corporation was the Russian channel ORT . His share in the Ukrainian company was 29%. In addition to ORT, among the founders were the Association for Business Cooperation and Development “Business World”, the State Property Fund and the Fund of the 200th Anniversary of Alexander Pushkin . The basis of the concept of the “Inter” TV channel was the rental in Ukraine of programs and programs broadcasted on the Russian television channel “ORT”.

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